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Czech-style Lager - 5.2%

I don't know about you, but seeing this really makes me want to huck a SICK Indy Nosebone 360...So dust the pow off that Lamar board of yours and CZECH this 5.2% Czech-inspired lagerooski, brewed in collaboration with Urban Roots. Inspired by their legendary 10° Czech-style lager, and of course Brewmaster Peter Hoey's drip on the mountain, we took this recipe three full rotayshes into Saaz-hopped lager bliss. It's clean, it has some heft & body, AND it has bitterness with a nice backside snap at the end. All goofiness and hyperbole aside, we're really happy with how this turned out and think you're gonna love it. WORK YOUR BODY WORK YOUR BODY.

Regular price $14.20

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